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Drama Script Cinderella

Narrator:  A hundred years ago, there lived a beautiful girl named Cinderella.  After her father died, Cinderella lives with her stepmother. Now, with softness of her heart, Cinderella past her day with patience. One day…

Stepmother      : Cinderella! (Come in) Cinderella, where are you!
(Approached Cinderella) Where is my gown, Cinderella? The Ball will start   tonight.

Cinderella         : I’m here, mom. (Drinking tea)

Stepmother      : Why did you take it easy there to drink tea?!
                                 (Do not care about her mother say and stay drink her tea?)
Stepmother      : Because you are here, it means my gown was complete. Right?

Cinderella         : How could an amateur like me can make a beautiful gown? If you are ready to be a Laughing stock, the gown was there. You can wear it.

Stepmother      : (annoyed) urrgghh.. Who will be a laughingstock?! The story was not like that!

Cinderella         : Slow down, Baby. Come on... Join with me here.

Stepmother      : Oh my God. Where are you learning that brash attitude?
                                 If you still want to live, you must finish my gown quick!!
                                 (Get out)

Cinderella         : Because of a Prince who held the ball my life is at stake for the gown… urggh... The prince cruelty can not be forgiven.
Narrator: Apparently, Cinderella began fell in love with the prince that she had never even met. Hehehe. (Evil laughing)

Cinderella         : The story starts inconsequential, right? Hmmm.. Whoa I have an idea (Stand up)(Thinking) if it had happened like this, I have to sneak over there. But, I must finish the gown first. How can I do it?

                                #Tringggg# (fairy godmother come in)
Fairy godmother: Don’t worry be happy darling. (Smile)

Cinderella         : Hey, who are you? From which doors you enter? The Front door was locked.

Fairy godmother: I’m your Fairy godmother. I jump over the kitchen window... That was unlocked.

Cinderella         : So, what are you doing here??

Fairy godmother: I just want to help you finish that gown. (Appoint at the gown)

Cinderella         : Oh, may be you’re not my Fairy godmother. But, you’re tailor... Right?
(Take the gown) Here you are. Quick!! Finish the gown before 6 PM, understand?
                                 (Out from the room) du..du..du <- sing a song<-

Fairy godmother:  What the… Ohh..  (Complain)

Narrator: Ultimately, the Fairy godmother turns the bad gown to be a very beautiful gown.

Fairy godmother: Why I want to do something like this??

Narrator: Just follow my command!

Fairy godmother: Yes sir. .!
   Hmm, abracadabra. I turn you into a beautiful gown..

Narrator             : After all, the gown turns into a beautiful gown..
                                (Cinderella comes in hurry)

Cinderella         : Oh, my God... My stepmother becomes crazy. (Hide behind the Fairy godmother)

Narrator             :  Cinderella’s Stepmother comes in with her high heel in her hand, but She left another high heel out side..

 Stepmother     : Cinderella what are you doing there? You must finish my gown, Cinderella.
                                 Where is my gown.. Show me! Or, this high heel will be in your face now...

Cinderella         :  Where is my ordered gown, lor?

Fairy godmother: Here you are…

Cinderella         : This is your ordered..

Stepmother      : I must try it first... (Go out)

Narrator             : Cinderella Stepmother try the gown in her room..

Cinderella         : Thank you,, thank you very much.. This is for you... (Calculate much money, give some money)

Fairy god godmother: Once more again (Appoint at Cinderella’s money) hehehe..

Cinderella         : Okay,, this is for you all.

Narrator             : Finally, Cinderella’s Stepmother comes with her new gown.

Stepmother      : How do I look? I‘m very beautiful right?? The Prince will charm by me...
                                (Cinderella and Fairy godmother laugh)

Cinderella         : (hold her mouth with her hand) you are like, like a scarecrow!! The Prince didn’t like you.
Stepmother      : Cinderella.. How dare you …! The Prince must..!
                                (Prince knocks the door)

Prince                  : Excuse me.. Who between all of you was throwing this high heel to my head??

(Adjutant showing the high heel)
(Stepmother scared and try to lying)

Stepmother      : Of course it’s not me.. May be she do it.. (Give the high heel to Cinderella)

Adjutant            : Do you have half of this high heel??

Cinderella         : This is the half of that heel... (Take it from the floor)

Prince                  : Oh, my God... So, that you will be my wife...

Cin,S.M,F.G     : What??!!

Prince                  : I am the Prince... And the prediction in my magazine tell.. Who throw her high heel to my face will be my wife...
                                : The time was come... Finally, I find my couple..
                                : Come with me to the palace. You’ll be my princess..
Stepmother      : But,, I …

Cinderella         : No, I can’t... I don’t love you... You can take my Stepmother to be your wife. She’s love you, and I’ll can be crazy if I live longer with her again. So,, get out from here now. You make I pass my tea time.. (Pull her Stepmother and the Prince out) Just send me your Wedding invitation..Bye!! (Close the door with wave her hand)

Cinderella         : Come on. (Adjutant, Fairy godmother, and Narrator sit around the table for join the tea time) the tea can’t wait for us..

Narrator             : The Prince and Cinderella stepmother will marry. And Cinderella lives happy with her tea. And us lived happily ever after... Thanks...


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